Atari ST Series Computer Games That Rocker Volume 3

Atari ST Series Computer Games that Rock Vol 3

Atari ST Series Games that ROCK Vol 3

Atari ST Series Games that ROCK Vol 3
Volume 1
Volume 2
24 more Awesome Atari ST and STE games. 
This time we have a little more Minter, ZarJaz, a lot of Steve Bak (Rest in peace, brother) and much much more. Even a game by the biggest Atari ST fan of all time, Richard Davey.

Note: Yes I changed the title slightly for this series. Yes, all three videos include STE games and no this is not a “pushed the hardware” series more of a “made great use of the hardware”.

A combination of Early ST Masterpieces, STE Exclusives, and some treasures I found while digging deep into a couple company catalogs on Atarimaniacom

  1. Dogs of War (ST 8mhz)
  2. Son Shu Si (ST  8mhz)
  3. Star Glider 2 (ST 8mhz)
  4. Team (STE 8mhz)
  5. R0X (STE 8mhz)
  6. LLamatron (ST 8mhz)
  7. Bad Company (ST 8mhz)
  8. Formula One Grand Prix  (ST 8mhz)
  9. GODS (ST 8mhz)
  10. Resolution 101 (ST 8mhz) (re-do from #2, hopeful the colors are correct this time)
  11. Substation (STE 8mhz)
  12. Turrican (ST 8mhz)
  13. Super Starioland (STE  8mhz)
  14. No Second Prize (ST 8mhz)
  15. Anarchy (ST 8mhz)
  16. Custodian (ST 8mhz)
  17. Rolling Ronny (ST 8mhz)
  18. Black Hornet (ST 8mhz)
  19. Magic Pockets (ST 8mhz)
  20. Return to Genesis (ST 8mhz)
  21. Starray (ST 8mhz)
  22. Adams Family (ST 8mhz)
  23. Continental Circus (ST 8mhz)
  24. R0XZero  (STE 8mhz)

In this series we will explore all of the games that we feel kicked butt on the Atari ST and STE series of computers.
Each game is given a small amount of time to make its case (about 30 seconds). Each video will cover about 20 – 30 games.  Contrary to the belief of some gaming fans, there are A LOT of great arcade style games that have been produced for the Atari 16 bit computers from 1985 until 2020 (and beyond). This is an ongoing series that will pay homage to the best titles on the system a few at a time to keep the videos around 15 minutes each.

*Note these videos are not intended to say these games were better on the ST then on your favorite system of choice (some were of course =) or are exclusives) but to demonstrate the great games that did come out for the ST machines that are mostly overlooked today.  So yes, these videos are being produced with a chip firm planted on this Atari Fan boy’s shoulder. 

Thanks to Steve at Atari Crypt for suggesting great games to test and play.

Also, Atarimania, 8bitchip, Dbug, and Atari Legend were indispensable for research and finding versions of these games to play.

Also, the video clip of F1 racing is playing on an Atari STE and is contained in the Intro Version by That video is credited to Fi Archives dot com. But I cannot find that site, so it might be absolved here:

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